Congregational President
Cal Neeman

Congregational Vice-President
Jason Valerius

Congregational Secretary
Jill Eggemeyer

Congregational Treasurer
Dave Powell

Financial Secretary
Barb Melliere

Board of Spiritual Ministry (Elders)
Jason Valerius, Director
This board consists of thirteen men who act as elders of the congregation. They work closely with the pastors to enhance the spiritual life of the congregation.  Each elder is responsible for a portion of the congregation.  They strive to provide the best possible care for our pastors, our church & school staff, and our members.  Who is my elder?

Board of Christian Education
Tracy Simms, Director
This board involves itself in promoting and establishing a Christ-centered education.  The Children’s Christmas Program, Vacation Bible School, and Lutheran Schools Week are just a few of the many events planned by this board throughout the year.

Board of Youth Ministry
Scott Janssen, Director
This board works among the young people of our congregation, especially our teenagers.  This board consists of 6 adults and 4 high school youth and is responsible for planning the youth events throughout the year.  Check out what’s going on!

Board of Evangelism
Tim Scheibe, Director
This board promotes the spread of the Good News by encouraging all, through activity and education, to value our faith and to reach out to those who are still lost in sin.  This board makes monthly visits to new residents of the Waterloo and Valmeyer area.  Households visited through Immanuel’s New Neighbor Outreach since November 2007: 639.  They also sponsor the annual Easter Egg Hunt and the annual Trunk or Treat event.  This board oversees the work of the Fellowship Committee and the Book Club.

Board of Social Ministry
Susan Starbuck, Director
Because God lifted us up by Jesus’ pierced hands, this board extends the church’s “helping hand” to those who are down both within and outside the church doors.  This board organizes the bi-monthly collections, the annual “Meet & Greet” luncheon, the Thanksgiving dinners delivered to area needy families, and the Christmas goodie bags delivered to Immanuel’s shut-ins and homebound.

Board of Church Properties
Kevin Whelan, Director
This board is responsible for the general welfare and upkeep of the physical buildings and land owned by Immanuel. This board organizes several Work Days throughout the year to do those extra little projects needed.

Board of Stewardship
Alan Stumpf, Director
This board promotes the Gospel-motivated service of our time, talents, and treasures for the glory of God and the spread of the Gospel of forgiveness. The annual Wurstmarkt is this board’s biggest responsibility each fall on the 1st Sunday of October.

If you would like a more detailed description of the duties of our Church Council members, please see a copy of our Constitution.  Hard copies of our constitution are also available in the narthex.

****Click here to access our newest pictorial directory so you can put a face with a name.